SOLIDWORKS C# API - Fix Unit Issue

3 minute read


I want to:

  • Fix Unit issue for input values using Solidworks C# API.

For more Details on why Fixing Unit issue, please visit 🚀 Solidworks Macro - Fix Unit Issue article.

Demo Video

Below 🎬 video shows how to “Fix Unit Issue” in Solidworks C# API.

Please note that there are no explanation in the video.
Explanation of each step and why we write code this way is given in this post.

Add [UnitConversionHelper] class

  • First we add Helper folder in our solution.
  • Then we add UnitConversionHelper class inside “Helper” folder.
  • Please see below 👇🏻 image for reference.


Add [Public Properties]

  • First we need to create a region.
    • Region Name: Public Properties
  • Inside this region, we we need 2 properties.
  • Please see below 👇🏻 for code reference.
#region Public Properties
public double LengthConversionFactor { get; set; }

public double AngleConversionFactor { get; set; }
  • In above code, we create 2 properties.
    • Name of 1st property: LengthConversionFactor
    • Name of 2nd property: AngleConversionFactor
    • Type of both properties: double
  • We expose them as public members, so that we can use them in other classes.

Add [Public Method]

  • Now we need to add a method to UnitConversionHelper class.

  • First we need to create a region.
    • Region Name: Public Method
  • Inside this Public Method region, we need to create a method.
  • Method Name: UnitConversion
  • Method Return Type: void [means this method did not return anything]
  • Method parameters:
    • Name of parameter: swUnit
    • Type of parameter: swLengthUnit_e [Parameter for Solidworks Length Unit in current document.]
  • Method Purpose: Depending upon the value of swUnit parameter, we will modify the values of LengthConversionFactor and AngleConversionFactor properties.

  • Please see below 👇🏻 for code reference.
#region Public Method
public void UnitConversion(swLengthUnit_e swUnit)
  • Please see below 👇🏻 image for reference.


Update Properties Value

  • Now we need to update values of LengthConversionFactor and AngleConversionFactor properties.
  • For this, we will use if-else if conditional statement.
  • Please see below 👇🏻 for code reference.
#region Public Method
public void UnitConversion(swLengthUnit_e swUnit)
    if (swUnit == swLengthUnit_e.swMETER)
        LengthConversionFactor = AngleConversionFactor = 1;
    else if (swUnit == swLengthUnit_e.swMM)
        LengthConversionFactor = 1 / 1000;
        AngleConversionFactor = 1 * 0.01745329;
    else if (swUnit == swLengthUnit_e.swCM)
        LengthConversionFactor = 1 / 100;
        AngleConversionFactor = 1 * 0.01745329;
    else if (swUnit == swLengthUnit_e.swINCHES)
        LengthConversionFactor = 1 * 0.0254;
        AngleConversionFactor = 1 * 0.01745329;
    else if (swUnit == swLengthUnit_e.swFEET)
        LengthConversionFactor = 1 * (0.0254 * 12);
        AngleConversionFactor = 1 * 0.01745329;
    else if (swUnit == swLengthUnit_e.swFEETINCHES)
        LengthConversionFactor = 1 * 0.0254;
        AngleConversionFactor = 1 * 0.01745329;
  • In above code, we are checking value of swUnit parameter.
  • Depending upon the value of swUnit parameter, we will update values of LengthConversionFactor and AngleConversionFactor properties accordingly.

Register [UnitConversionHelper]

  • Now we need to register UnitConversionHelper class into DI container.
  • After registering class, we can create instance of UnitConversionHelper class through DI container.
  • For this, go to “App.xaml.cs” class.
  • In “App.xaml.cs” class, inside RegisterTypes method, we register UnitConversionHelper method into DI container.
  • Please see below 👇🏻 for code reference.
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
  • Please see below 👇🏻 image for reference.


  • In above code, we register UnitConversionHelper class as Singleton.
  • By doing this, we only has single instance of UnitConversionHelper class in our application.

This is it !!!

I hope my efforts will helpful to someone!

If you found anything to add or update, please let me know on my e-mail.

Hope this post helps you to fix Unit issue in Solidworks application.

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Till then, Happy learning!!!
