Wix Add Desktop Icon

1 minute read

In this article we create Desktop Icon when MSI install application.

Please see below 👇🏻 image of Desktop Icon for reference.


Update [ExampleComponents.wxs]

Below image show content of ExampleComponents.wxs


<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
    <ComponentGroup Id="ApplicationComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
      <Component Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
        <File Id="ApplicationFile" Source="WPF_Application.exe" />

Add Output File

First, we need to add file for which we want to share icon.

<Component Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
  <File Id="ApplicationFile" Source="WPF_Application.exe" />

In above code we add output exe file.

This output file is WPF_Application.exe.

For this output file WPF_Application.exe, we want to show Desktop icon.

Add Desktop Icon

<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
    <ComponentGroup Id="ApplicationComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
      <Component Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
        <!--Add output file-->
        <File Id="ApplicationFile" Source="WPF_Application.exe">
          <!--Add Desktop Shortcut-->
          <Shortcut Id="DesktopShortCut"
                    Advertise="yes" Icon="icon.exe"
                    Name="!(bind.Property.ProductName)" />

In above code sample, we “Add Desktop Shortcut”.

For this we use <Shortcut> tag.

Please see below 👇🏻 code for reference.


After adding <Shortcut> tag, we define some properties of <Shortcut> tag.

Please see below list of properties for <Shortcut> tag.

Property Name Property Description
Id Identifier for this tag, by which we can refer to this tag.
Directory Special Id, which define Directory where we want to show our shortcut.
Advertise Boolean variable which decide we want to advertise this shortcut or not.
Icon Id of Icon image. Please note that this is Id “NOT source of icon image”.
Name Name of Icon which we want to show with Icon image.

Values we used in our code.

Property Name Value Used Value Comment
Id DesktopShortCut Id which I give.
Directory DesktopFolder Special Id for Desktop Folder. Since we want to create Desktop Shortcut.
Advertise yes Always ‘Yes’ since this is the easy way.
Icon icon.exe Reference to Id of image in Package.wxs file.
Name !(bind.Property.ProductName) Bind of Shortcut name to Product Name.s

[Build] Solution

Now we need to build solution as shown below.


After building solution we need to go to folder where MSI is created.

Please see below 👇🏻 image for reference.


Final Result

Run the MSI to install application.

Below image show final result after running installation.


That’s it!!!

Hope this post helps you.

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Till then, Happy learning!!!
